SOLE joined other libertarian from Africa to promote the ideas of free markets and prosperity by participating in the Africa Liberty camp 2022 in Uganda Entebbe Municipality from 12th to 15th of June 2022.

The bold theme for Africa Liberty Camp 2022: “LIBERTY, CULTURE AND PROSPERITY”, Africa Liberty Camp 2022 brought together libertarians and young Africans leaders who are passionate about liberty, prosperity and free market ideas through robust training in the form of seminars, conferences, panels and workshops.

The ALC2022 aimed at educating the young libertarian leaders on ideas of free market and prosperity. The specific objective was to give ground for networking and create business opportunities for the young libertarian leaders.

ALED and its partners like DIKO FOUNDATION, GLS, JCI, Face of Liberty International, Network for Free Society, MTindo Network managed to bring Libertarian movement think tanks from Uganda, Nigeria, Burundi, South Sudan and Teachers from US.

South Sudan was represented by Student’s Organization for Liberty and Entrepreneurship-SOLE. SOLE through its representative participated in the Cornerstone talks on the works Libertarian think tanks do in Africa and what motivated the speakers to join the libertarian movement.

The Africa Liberty Camp 2022 under the theme: Liberty, Culture and Prosperity deliberated on topics related to free markets and prosperity:

  1. Economic freedom and prosperity
  2. Investment migration: a positive alternative
  3. The Global debate about migration: What is China Model? The evil of Communism
  4. How the west became rich
  5. Achieving financial independence
  6. The benefits of volunteerism
  7. Role of innovation in creating wealth for the society
  8. A call to action: Liberalism meets feminism
  9. Why are property rights essential? What can be done to expand the blessings of property rights?
  10. Why the freedom of matters
  11. The economics of government spending
  12. Getting  employment with a purpose
  13. Leadership training creative writing
  14. Plan economy against market economy
  15. The rule of law
  16. The role of international financial centers in the global economy
  17. Migration and prosperity
  18. The work of the libertarian in Africa
  19. Opportunities in the film industry and documentary

The team of the Teachers included Li-Schoolland, Leonard, Carlyle Rogers, Dan J. Mitchell, John Leask and Professor Ken Schoolland, author of the book: “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible”; who provided additional copies of the book to South Sudan Liberty Library. SOLE South Sudan translated chapter two of the book into Zande language, which is the common spoken language in the area where SOLE operates and recorded an audio of the same chapter in Zande.

Economic Freedom and Prosperity in Africa, How to Win the Bet

Economic freedom and prosperity. Prof. Ken Schoolland in his speech said the question isn’t why is there poverty? However, he said the real question is why is there prosperity? To him and many of us this is not a matter of fate.

Prosperity and choices in life are due to conscious human action. Every society has different degrees of respect for individual rights, personal freedom and responsibility. Practices that follow from that respect form the characteristics and policies of a productive society.

In a society where rule of law is observed, the individual right is respected then poverty will be the talk of the pass.

Political instability and prolonged lawlessness have undermined the capacity of South Sudan’s fragile economy to attract long-term investment and promote economic development. Although the small private sector has expanded slightly, the large informal economy remains the most important source of production and employment. Despite some progress, security and political uncertainty remain formidable challenges. The rule of law continues to be fragile and uneven. The inability to deliver even basic services on a reliable basis, often exacerbated by systemic corruption, has severely eroded confidence in the government.

According to Professor Ken Schoolland, the most urgent need for Africa is to create productive societies.

Poverty on the African continent is a consequence of several factors, including mismanagement of resources and the natural structure of local economies that keep the underpinning of humanity in economic dependence.

To create prosperity, Africa must indisputably rely on the principles of economic freedom and build on its potential.

Li Schoolland a born in China under the communist regime that kept her country in extreme poverty described herself as Made in China. With vivid image in mind as she does in every conference Explained how China transcended from extreme poverty to a world power, And to her, Africa should learn from this illustration and example from China:

She passionately said, “During my childhood, China had difficulty feeding its people because the government held an absolute monopoly and dictated the model of life.”

To shrink poverty, the Chinese understood that there was a gap to bridge and they started to work because the government could no longer ensure their survival. From there, the private sector began to develop and generate jobs and income. It is therefore necessary for countries to understand that it is not the government that generates income; on the contrary, it operates through taxes collected from private operators, which is why it is necessary to defend economic freedom, which is the only guarantee of prosperity.

Glancing at the libertarian movement in Africa and its impact on economic development

Today in Africa the libertarian, movement is spreading like a wild fire in almost all countries, through academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and think tanks. Thousands of young people are trained, mentored and participate in the promotion of libertarian ideas through volunteering and the establishment of Think Tanks in their home countries.

South Sudan also joined the world in the libertarian movement and Student’s Organization for Liberty and Entrepreneurship decided not excommunicate it’s self from this wonderful opportunity. The organization confirms to the principle of a free and entrepreneurial society where every student/youth has the right to make life choices, act and behave in a manner that promote peaceful co-existence and prosperity by Educating and Empowering students and youths on liberty and entrepreneurship skills through mentorship and trainings so as to promote a free and prosperous society .

SOLE envisions a free and entrepreneurial society in which students/youth can make life choices that promote peaceful coexistence and prosperity.

Prof. Ken Schoolland- Author of The adventure of Johnathan Gullible, Lambert NDUWAYEZU, Founder and Executive Director.

Of the Institute for Economics and Enterprises, a Think Tank based in Burundi and David from South Sudan –Co-Founder of Student’s Organization for Liberty and Entrepreneurship

David in black shirt, picture of Linda Whetstone, the founder, leader and cornerstone of Network for a Free Society and Aisha a Social Entrepreneur, Vocational skills trainer/Women’s rights Activist/Rotaract Leader. These two women have common vision with SOLE. In addition, their works are inspirational to SOLE.

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